Design and Build
We aim to eliminate the task of dividing your project between different architecture and construction company. We are a company that offers design and build services for you from initial sketches to the final construction.
Tiling and Painting
We offer quality tiling and painting solutions for interior and exterior of residential and commercial spaces that not only looks good but also lasts longer. We offer quality tiling and painting solutions for interior and exterior.
Construction Management
We offer commitment at all levels of building project, from preparing …
Condo Remodeling
Our round condo remodelling services includes plumbing, electrical, …
Hardwood Flooring
By hiring our hardwood flooring services, you can transform the …
Kitchen Remodeling
We can execute complex kitchen remodelling projects that suit …Why Choose Us
We have a proven record of accomplishment and are a reputable company in the United States. We ensure that all projects are done with utmost professionalism using quality materials while offering clients the support and accessibility.
For us, honesty is the only policy and we strive to complete all projects with integrity, not just with our clients, but also our suppliers and contractors. With thousands of successful projects under our belt, we are one of the most trusted construction companies in US
We commit ourselves to complete all projects within the timeline set with our clients. We use the best of technology and tools to ensure that all jobs are done quickly but also giving attention to details and ensuring everything is done correctly.
Who We Are?
Modul іѕ оrgаnіѕаtіоn that ѕpеcіаlіѕеѕ іn high ѕpеcіfіcаtіоn nеw developments, rеfurbіѕhmеntѕ, cоnvеrѕіоnѕ, extensions аnd nеw builds аnd hаvе a prоvеn trаck record іn thіѕ field. Τhеу undеrtаkе all fоrmѕ оf building wоrkѕ іn all ѕеctоrѕ.
Μоdul fullу understands whаt аn architect, ѕtructurаl еngіnееr and clіеnt rеquіrе from а cоntrаctоr. They оpеrаtе wіthіn key аrеаѕ оf expertise, undеrѕtаnd thе complexities оf mоdеrn design аnd аrе dedicated tо prоjеct delivery.
They еnjоу thе challenge оf wоrkіng with nеw mаtеrіаlѕ, procuring mоdеrn dеѕіgnѕ and іncоrpоrаtіng dеѕіgn development whеrе nеcеѕѕаrу
Next Previous Testimonials
Modul construction are absolute professionals when it comes to organizing projects and keeping the goals on schedule. I had nothing but great experiences while dealing with them.Marqus Guelder | QWP
They managed to eliminate all the problems we had with plans and went beyond to make sure everything runs smooth. I also loved the energy inside the team. The guys were looking like they enjoy working for Modul.Margot Lazenby
I didn't have a single problem within 4 projects with them. They offer quality tiling and painting solutions for interior and exterior of residential and commercial spaces that not only looks good but also lasts long. I will keep on dealing with you guys.Sandy Steyn
For us, honesty and hard work is the reason why we keep on using Modul Construction. They strive to complete all projects with integrity, not just with their clients, but also their suppliers and contractors. With so much experience under their belt, they are one of the most trusted construction companies in SA.Jarred Taylor
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